dr marty greer

Reproduction, Co-Owner

dr marty greer

I received my Bachelor of Science in 1978 and my DVM in 1981 from Iowa State University in Ames Iowa. In 1982 I established the Brownsville Small Animal Clinic in Dr. Griffith’s practice building and in 1988, moved the practice to Lomira.

I have an interest in Pediatrics and Reproduction. In 2002, I opened a Canine Semen Freezing Center, International Canine Semen Bank – Wisconsin (ICSB-WI/IL) and have become Penn-Hip Certified.

On my first attempt at using extended semen, I bred the practice’s first litter of pups from frozen semen in 1998. the arrival of in-house quantitative progesterone testing has made this process far more successful.

My husband, Dr. Daniel Griffiths, and that I have two children, Katy, married to Tim, an entomology Ph.D. student at Purdue, and Karl, married to Kelly. additionally, we raise and show Pembroke Welsh Corgis and Danish Swedish Farmdogs. Our family has raised 5 puppies for Canine Companions for Independence, a service dog organization.

The practice has contributed to pharmaceutical and nutritional research as an investigator for Abbott Laboratory, Deprenyl Animal Health, Pfizer, Virbac, and Hill’s Pet food Corporation. I even have also been featured in articles in Veterinary Economics.

In 2005, I used to be appointed by Governor Jim Doyle to an edge on the Veterinary Examining Board of the Department of Safety and Professional Services, where I served for 8 years.

In 2010, I graduated from the Marquette school of law. I practice law part-time with my law partner, Attorney Sheila Kessler, at Animal Legal Resources LLC.

Fear Free In 2019 I became certified as a Fear Free professional. I recognized the advantage of including Fear Free practices to undertake to form your pet's visit to us as relaxed as possible. While there are many Fear Free practices we use, one among them is offering treats like spread and chicken baby food to offer your pet a distraction while we do exams and testing to scale back anxiety and stress. we all know that a Fear Free experience may be a benefit to you, your pet, and also our staff.

I am active within the community as a member of the AVMA, NEWVMA, AAVSB, APDT, AAFP, SVME, The Society for Theriogenology, the Fond du Lac Kennel Club, The Kettle Moraine Kennel Club, the Pembroke corgi Club of America, Lakeshore Pembroke corgi Kennel Club, and therefore the Lomira Area Chamber of Commerce.

I am on the Board of Directors for the Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics, American Veterinary Medical Law Association, and therefore the Society for Theriogenology. I served on the Animal Welfare Committee and Education Committee for the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association. I'm also president of the National Animal Interest Alliance.

I have recently started working with Revival Animal Health as their Director of Vet Services. I will be able to be posting articles that will be exclusive to Revival Animal Health.

What motivated you to become a veterinarian?
I loved science, problem-solving, and medicine, but not sick people. It made helping people with their pets an excellent choice on behalf of me.

What has been your most rewarding moment as a veterinarian?
Seeing my staff and student’s eyes illuminate once they see what I see.

If you weren’t a vet, what would you do?
Something with food – either food science or cooking. I almost went into food technology rather than school.

What is the foremost exotic animal you've got treated?
The Mercury Cougars – the cubs were patients at Iowa State for declaws once we were students. They were declawed in order that they could pose on the Mercury cars within the showrooms. are you able to imagine having big cats in car dealerships today? Oh, the liability!!!

What animal scares you quite any other?

What does one see because of the greatest danger to household pets?
Their neighbors who turn in owners of multiple pets without substantial reason to try to so. and therefore the consequences that follow.

What does one consider your greatest accomplishment?
Raising 2 healthy children to adulthood to become self-sufficient, kind, contributing members of our society.

What does one neutralize your spare time?
What spare time? Oh – cook, knit, shop. No vacuuming.

What is your favorite comfort food?
Macaroni and cheese – with great cheddar. And an excellent beer to scrub it down.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
Eating at a sequence restaurant.

Name 5 things people could be surprised about if they knew it about you?
1. I'm a significant foodie.

2. I prefer to re-purpose everything I can.

3. I lived in Arizona for 4 years as a child and always expected to measure there. I missed the turn once I left Iowa and ended over here 32 years ago.

4. I do own clothes that aren't surgical scrubs.

5. I do sleep.